Help : The MyWork Organiser (Teachers)


The MyWork organiser let you access worksheets and quizzes online. You can use it to start a new worksheet, continue or delete a worksheet, view marked worksheets, start a quiz and assess your quiz results.

Logging On

Before you can access your work you must logon to identify yourself. To do this :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Enter your username and password into the logon box then press the Logon Now button.

Once you have logged on the MyWork organiser will load automatically. You can logoff when you have finished working by either closing your web browser program or clicking on the Logoff tab (see below).

How do I access the MyWork Organiser ?

To access the MyWork Organiser press the button on the navigation panel.

You can then choose the action that you want to carry out by clicking on one of the tabs at the top of the page :

Read through all of the information on this page to find out all about the MyWork Organiser, or select an option from the table below to go straight to a particular topic :

Starting a New Worksheet  
Continuing a Worksheet
Deleting a Worksheet
Taking a Worksheet Back
View Marks and Marked Worksheets  
Assess Quiz Results
Start a Quiz
Changing Your Password  
Logging Off

Starting a New Worksheet

Follow these instructions to start a new worksheet online :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Start New Worksheet Tab.
3. Choose the worksheet that you want to start from the list in the combo box :

Continuing a Worksheet

Follow these instructions to continue a worksheet that you have already started online :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Current Work Tab.
3. Choose the worksheet topic that you want to continue from the list that appears.
4. Select the button on the same line as the name of the worksheet.

Taking a Worksheet Back

If you have handed a worksheet in to be marked but change your mind and want to alter some answers before it is marked you can do so by taking the worksheet back. Follow these instructions to do this :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Current Work Tab.
3. Choose the worksheet that you want to take back from the list that appears.
4. Select the button on the same line as the name of the worksheet.

When you have finished making your changes you need to press the button at the bottom of the worksheet to hand it back in.

Deleting a Worksheet

Follow these instructions to delete a worksheet that you have started online :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Current Work Tab.
3. Choose the worksheet topic that you want to delete from the list that appears.
4. Select the button on the same line as the name of the worksheet.

View Marks and Marked Worksheets

To view the marks that you have obtained for each worksheet, to view the answers you have entered for completed worksheets, and to view your teacher's comments on completed worksheets, follow these instructions :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Marked Work Tab.

You can then view the answers you have given on a worksheet and your teacher's comments by pressing the button by the name of the worksheet.

Assess Quiz Results

The quiz module awards you star ratings for the topics that you have completed quizzes on. You can achieve up to five stars per topic. To view your ratings click on the Quizzes tab. The information displayed for each topic is :

Topic The name of the topic.
Latest Score The score you obtained last time you took a quiz on the topic.*
Latest Qs How many questions you answered last time you took a quiz on the topic.*
Latest Days Ago How many days ago you last took a quiz on the topic.*
Overall Score Your overall score, based on all of the questions you have ever answered on the topic.
Overall Qs The total number of questions you have ever answered on the topic.
Rating Your star rating for the topic, out of a maximum five stars.

* Note that for a quiz to count as the "latest" quiz on a topic it must include at least five questions on the topic.

The star rating for a topic is based on several factors. These are :

Note that you will not be able to get more than four stars until you have answered at least 20 questions on a topic.

Starting a Quiz

Follow these instructions to start a quiz on a particular topic :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Quizzes Tab.
3. Choose the topic that you want to do a quiz on from the list that appears.
4. Select the button on the same line as the name of the topic.

You can access many more quiz options by selecting the button.

Changing Your Password

You should periodically change your password to ensure that your work remains secure. To do this :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Change Password Tab.
3. A new dialogue box will appear. Enter your exisiting password into the top field then enter your new password into the second field. Carefully retype your new password again in the third field then press the Change Now button.

Logging Off

To stop other users accessing your work you should logoff when you have finished using the ICT Companion. If you close your web browser program you will be automatically logged off. If you want to logoff manually follow these instructions :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Logoff Tab.
3. When prompted, press the Logoff button to confirm that you want to logoff.

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(C) P Meakin 2004