Type of Task
| Items to Include in Plan
- Sketches of possible layouts including labels, figures and
formulae, column
widths and row height and cell and data formats.
- Justification of choice of layout.
- Explanations of what the formulae will do.
- Flowcharts showing the process to be carried out
by any macros that are used.
- Data capture form if required.
- Structure of records in each table including
field types,
coding and
validation checks that are used.
- Identification of the primary key field for each table.
- Any relationships between different
data tables if a relational database is being used.
- Information about the queries that you will use. What should they select and
what will the criteria need to be to make the correct selection.
- Sketched layouts of any reports that will be printed. Where will the reports
obtain data from ? Will the reports be columnar
or tabular ? Are the records
sorted into a particular order ?
- Flowcharts showing the process to be carried out
by any macros that are used.
- Data capture form if required.
- Justification of choices made.
| Word Processing, Graphics or DTP
- Sketches of possible page layouts including position
of frames and graphics, headers and footers.
- Choice of fonts for headings, sub-headings, body text etc.
- Choice of graphics including clipart.
- A number of alternative designs should be presented and then a justified
choice made about the design to implement.
Data Logging
- Quantities to measure.
- Types, ranges and positions of sensors.
- Period of logging and time interval
between each measurement.
- How the data will be presented
(type of graph, table, averages etc.)
| Control System
- What sensors and devices the system will use.
- Where the sensors and devices are located.
- A flowchart showing the process that will control the system.
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