Help : Entering Student Marks For Work Marked on Paper (Teachers)

You may choose to mark the majority of student work online but have to mark some work on paper. This could happen if students print some worksheets to complete at home. If you mark some work on paper but want to include all of a student's marks in the online markbook it is possible to enter marks manually into the markbook. You can also use this feature to edit marks that you have awarded when marking online.

To manually enter or edit marks in the markbook :

1. Select the button on the navigation panel.
2. Click on the Enter Marks Tab.
3. If you are entering marks for students in a particular group select the group in the combo box at the top left hand corner of the screen :

4. Choose the worksheet to enter marks for in the Select Worksheet combo box :

You can now enter marks by student names as required :

If a student was absent enter his or her mark as "A". When you have entered all of the marks you must press the button.

The symbols in the "Type" column indicate whether the marks were entered manually or automatically when a worksheet was marked online. If there is no symbol by a mark then the mark has not yet been saved. Remember to save it before exiting.

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(C) P Meakin 2004