The Computer Misuse Act (1990) makes the misuse of a computer a criminal offence. The law was introduced in 1990. Throughout the previous decade the growth in the use of computers had made new crimes possible which existing laws did not deal with.
The Act is essentially an anti-hacking law. Hacking is attempting to gain unauthorised access to a computer system and a hacker is a person who does this. The Act applies to employees of a company who commit these offences from within the company as well as hackers who access computer systems remotely.
Many hackers attempt to gain unauthorised access to a computer system simply to demonstrate that they are clever enough to do this. Others may have more sinister intentions such as :
Making hacking illegal will not stop people from doing it. Therefore sensible companies do not rely on this Act to stop people misusing their computer systems. They incorporate appropriate security measures into their computer systems and keep regular backups. Most companies will also include a clause relating to the unauthorised use of computer systems in an employee's contract of employment. Any unauthorised use of a computer by an employee would probably lead to dismissal.
The terms of the Act make it illegal to gain or to attempt to gain unauthorised access to a computer system.
GCSE ICT Companion 04 - (C) P Meakin 2004