Spreadsheets : Introduction

A spreadsheet package is used for performing calculations and drawing charts. When you open a spreadsheet package the screen displays a very large table similar to this :

The table is divided into a number of boxes called cells. You can type information into each cell. Going across the table are many rows each of which is identified by a number. Going down the table are many columns each of which is identified by a letter.

Each cell is identified by a unique name called a cell reference. The cell reference is formed by writing down the letter of the column that the cell is in followed by the number of the row that it is in.

Groups of joined cells are known as a range. A range can be described by writing down the cell references of the cells at the top left and bottom right corners of the range with a colon to separate them.

You can enter three different types of information into a cell. The three types are :

Whenever any numbers are changed the calculations worked out by the formulas will be recalculated.

GCSE ICT Companion 04 - (C) P Meakin 2004